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University of Stuttgart- IntCDC

University of Stuttgart- IntCDC

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Cluster of Excellence IntCDC - Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture

The University of Stuttgart established its new Cluster of Excellence on Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture in 2019. With an initial funding period of seven years, a Cluster of Excellence is the most significant and substantial grant awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). For the very first time, a Cluster of Excellence has been awarded to the field of Architecture. It will contribute to establishing an internationally visible research center.

The Cluster aims to harness the full potential of digital technologies to rethink design and construction based on integration and interdisciplinarity, with the goal to enable game-changing innovation in the building sector. The cluster’s 22 principal investigators represent the breadth of scientific excellence across seven faculties of the University of Stuttgart and the Max Plank Institute for Intelligent Systems. Prof. Achim Menges, from the Institute for Computational Design and Construction, is the director of the Cluster.